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Memorias de un soldado del JNA, año 1988.

Iniciado por Miroslav Lokar, 27 Febrero 2013, 07:07:18

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Miroslav Lokar

CitarEnd of year 1988, Yugoslavia. Every healthy young man must do a military service in JNA for one year.
Try to recapture the real story of first 100+ days of a 19 years old soldier from Slovenia, doing his military service in Macedonia.
In a country of Yugoslavia that has collapsed soon after, the first frictions began to emerge ...

"... a bus driver had a photo of a man behind the windshield. Before we entered the bus, I asked out loudly:
- "Who's that man?"
Soldier in front of me turned back and said with nasty look:
- "Shut up!"
Later I found out that it was the photo of Slobodan Milošević, although I still don't know who is that man ..."