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Iniciado por chaman, 18 Noviembre 2011, 01:56:01

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Miroslav Lokar

Serb homes robbed, set on fire in Kosovo

GNJILANE -- Two houses owned by Serbis in the village of Cernica near Gnjilane were robbed and set on fire last night, it has been confirmed.

CitarA Kosovo police (KPS) spokesperson told Tanjug news agency that nobody was inside the buildings during the incident.

But Ismet Hasani "could not say what caused the fire", adding that it was promptly put out by firemen.

The spokesperson however noted that KPS units investigated the scene "and opened the case".

Local Serb media in that part of the province are reporting that the homes belonged to Ljubiša Spasić and Stanko Stanojević, who currently live and work in Switzerland along with their families.

Cernica resident Srđan Menković said the homes were first robbed, while the fire "most likely came later and was the work of arsonists".

"Almost everything was taken from the houses, they stole everything. It is getting worse by the day, robberies are ever more frequent, while police either cannot or will not do anything about it," said Milenković.

Some 150 Serb families lived in the village prior to the war in 1999, while only about 30 remain today.

Miroslav Lokar

Snow and cold claim lives, two persons missing

BELGRADE -- The search is continuing in two areas of Serbia for people missing in high snow, although the authorities fear they will not be found alive.

CitarGoran Nikolić of MUP's Emergency Situations Sector said that since temperatures dropped to extremely low levels last night, he feared that a 72-year-old missing in Medveđa, southern Serbia, and a 75-year-old from Mt. Suvobor in central Serbia who has not been seen for five days, will not have survived.

In the mountain villages close to the town of Valjevo, western Serbia, three persons were found dead in the snow in the past few days. Snow drifts there reach two meters in height in some places.

A state of emergency is still in effect in 14 municipalities.

Temperatures in central Serbia dropped to minus 21 degrees centigrade during last night.

The extremely cold but clear weather is set to continue for the next ten days.

Severe frost is expected in the coming days as well in central, southern and eastern Serbia, while more snowfall is expected for the next weekend.

Drivers are in the meantime warned that they may expect ice on the roads in the regions of Kruševac, Kraljevo, Kragujevac, and Bajina Bašta.


España seguirá sin reconocer la independencia de Kosovo

Tu nombre es desconocido,tu hazana, inmortal .
No podéis hacer una revolución con guantes de seda.Iósif Stalin.

Miroslav Lokar

Cita de: Tokarev en 01 Febrero 2012, 21:44:00
España seguirá sin reconocer la independencia de Kosovo

Es que no les conviene... No tienen ustedes varias provincias separatistas también? España y Serbia están en la misma situación en ese sentido...


Cierto. Creo recordar que ese fue el principal factor, relacionado principalmente con el asunto del Pais Vasco y España.

Tu nombre es desconocido,tu hazana, inmortal .
No podéis hacer una revolución con guantes de seda.Iósif Stalin.

Miroslav Lokar

Del Ponte destroyed evidence, chief prosecutor claims

BELGRADE -- Valuable evidence about removal of organs of Serbs captured in Kosovo was destroyed during Carla Del Ponte's term, Serge Brammertz's office says.

CitarThe case concerns war crimes committed in Kosovo and northern Albania in 1999 and 2000, when Serb and other civilians are believed to have been kidnapped for their body parts by ethnic Albanian KLA.

The Hague Tribunal chief prosecutor's office added that the pieces of evidence were destroyed with approval of Del Ponte's prosecution.

The Hague Tribunal chief prosecutor's office added that the pieces of evidence were destroyed with approval of Del Ponte's prosecution.

Del Ponte said earlier that NATO and UNMIK had thwarted the organ trafficking investigation and that she knew who had made the decision to destroy the evidence of the monstrous crimes. She explained that she had been in constant contact with Brammertz but did not want to reveal the identity of the person who had ordered it because it "is not fair".

She added that there was a lack of political will to fully investigate the "Yellow house" case.

When asked about the fact that she had an insight into the UNMIK confidential report on crimes in the Yellow house back in 2004 but the investigation was suspended, Del Ponte said that the prosecution was not able to continue the probe due to numerous obstacles.

"NATO and UNMIK did not allow us to see important files, while Albania did not let us enter its territory and inspect graves," she noted.

Del Ponte also stressed that it was a mistake to destroy the evidence found in a location in northern Albania known as the Yellow House.

"That was done without consulting me, even without discussing the issue with me. I was very surprised when I found out from the media that the evidence had been destroyed. But of course that I don't feel responsible for it because I did not have the authority to conduct the investigation," the former chief prosecutor pointed out.

Brammertz's office, however, claims that some pieces of evidence were destroyed in 2005 when Del Ponte was the chief prosecutor, that she knew about it and that the decision was made by then members of the prosecution.

"Prosecutor Brammertz agrees that this was not a good decision. However, we cannot speak publicly about the internal decision making procedure in the prosecution," Brammertz's office released.

Serbian War Crimes Prosecutor Vladimir Vukčević said that his office had asked the Hague investigator why the evidence had been destroyed and that they said that "the evidence, along with material evidence from Srebrenica, was destroyed as a part of a regular procedure".

UNMIK Spokesman Olivier Salgado said that UNMIK had fully cooperated with the Hague Tribunal and submitted all the available evidence and information to the court.

"The Tribunal is free to investigate all the issues it is in charge of. There is no reason to believe that any UNMIK official has obstructed any investigation," Salgado pointed out.

Miroslav Lokar

SNS leader calls for agreement on Kosovo

BELGRADE -- Opposition SNS party leader Tomislav Nikolić says there should be agreement among relevant political factors about the fate of Kosovo.

CitarShould that idea include giving up on some jurisdiction related to Kosovo, a referendum must be called to change the Constitution, he said on Thursday.

As for his party's plan to solve the Kosovo issue, he said it would be revealed "after elections have been scheduled".

The Progressives noted that "creative solutions", such as integrated border control, required a referendum to change the Constitution.

"What is the current government suggesting when they say a sustainable solution must be found, acceptable to both side, what would that solution be, and if we put it forward, would it represent abandoning of the Serbian Constitution?," wondered Nikolić.

Announcements that they would solve the Kosovo problem in a referendum was seen by many as the party's desire not to be carry the responsibility for solving the issue alone.

"On the day the elections have been called, everyone will have to say what their solution for Kosovo is, if they win. That will be a chance both for those in government now and the SNS to present their actions. This only suggests that we are ready to discuss anything with the citizens of Serbia," said Belgrade negotiating team chief Borislav Stefanović.

The current state policy came as a result of consultations with all political parties, the Church and NGOs, he continued.

Stefanović also stated that "the citizens will certainly have their say", although he considers the SNS initiative to call a referendum as yet another instance where the party is "avoiding to reveal its Kosovo policy".

Miroslav Lokar

Belgrade authorities want Šešelj dead, Radicals claim

BELGRADE -- The Radicals will not just stand by and watch their leader Vojislav Šešelj being killed, Serb Radical Party (SRS) official Boris Aleksić has stated.

CitarHe stressed that the SRS leader's condition was very serious and that it was getting worse by the day.

According to him, a report made by a team of Serbian doctors, who examined Šešelj in the Hague Tribunal detention unit, will be released next week.

Aleksić has accused the Serbian authorities of providing "unselfish help" to The Hague, British and the U.S. intelligence services in their attempt to "eliminate" Šešelj.

"The regime in Serbia wants Šešelj dead," the SRS official stressed, adding that the Serbian authorities had failed to keep their promise that the Serbian medical team would have all the necessary medical equipment at their disposal.

He also added that the SRS had refused to be examined by a Russian cardiologist since he had been designated by the Hague Tribunal Secretariat.

Aleksić noted that the Hague Tribunal would have to pay compensation to Šešelj for violating his procedural rights.

Miroslav Lokar

Letter on organs trade evidence sent to intl. officials

BELGRADE -- Rasim Ljajić has sent a letter to several top international officials regarding reports that evidence was destroyed in the Kosovo organ trafficking case.

CitarLjajić, a Serbian cabinet minister and president of the National Council for Cooperation with the Hague Tribunal (ICTY), sent the letter to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, Chief Hague Prosecutor Serge Brammertz, and ICTY President Judge Theodor Meron.

In it, he requested an investigation into the circumstances under which evidence on Kosovo human organ trafficking was destroyed in 2005 by the Hague Tribunal.

Ljajić sent the letter on Friday of last week, but is yet to receive any reply.

His request came after a public disagreement between former Chief Hague Prosecutor Carla Del Ponte and currents heads of the tribunal, in which they blamed one another for the destruction of evidence.

"We knew about destruction of evidence in 2005, but now the guilt is being shifted within the very tribunal, and we are asking what actually happened and why the evidence was destroyed," Ljajic told Tanjug.

According to him, it is feared that the entire human organ probe will be removed from public view due to political obstructions.

An investigation into the case is currently being carried out by the EU mission in Kosovo, EULEX, while Serbia's initiative for a probe to be launched under the auspices of the UN has not yet been accepted.

The case concerns allegations that ethnic Albanian KLA in 1999 and 2000 kidnapped Serb and other civilians in the province, illegally imprisoned them in northern Albania, and harvested their body parts to be sold in the black market.

Miroslav Lokar

Serbian crime boss arrested in Spain

BELGRADE -- Spanish police have confirmed the identity of Luka Bojović, Vladimir Milisavljević aka Vlada Budala, Siniša Petrić and Vladimir Mijanović, B92 has learnt.

CitarSerbian Police Director Milorad Veljović said earlier on Friday that the Spanish police were working on determining the identity of the arrested men.

"Later during the day, we will exchange the copies of papillary lines, photos and other things so as to confirm their identity," Veljović told Tanjug.

Bojović is charged with several murders and attempted murders.

The Interior Ministry told Tanjug on Thursday that a person who fits the description of Bojović had been arrested in Spain in a joint operation by the criminal police of Serbia and Spain, but that his identity had not been officially confirmed.

The two countries' police are exchanging relevant information.

Serbian Interior Minister Ivica Dačić stated late Thursday that the Spanish police had informed his ministry earlier that day that four Serbian citizens were arrested in Valencia on Thursday afternoon.

"That is all we can say at this point, since identity check is underway. It is yet to be determined whether Bojović is among them," Dacic said.

Justice Ministry State Secretary Slobodan Homen told Tanjug late Thursday that the Ministry has received unofficial information that a person who might be Bojović was arrested in Spain.

"In case his identity is confirmed, i.e. that the arrested person is Bojović, the ministry will request an expedited procedure for his extradition to Serbia," Homen stressed.

He stated that Serbia and Spain were signatories of the Council of Europe's Convention of Extradition.

"There should be no problems with the extradition procedure, but the final decision will be on Spain's judicial authorities," Homen said.

Bojović was tried in absentia before the Special Court in Belgrade for attempted murder of Andrija Drašković and Zoran Nedović in 2004 and for the murder of their two bodyguards.


CitarBELGRADE -- Spanish police have confirmed the identity of Luka Bojović, Vladimir Milisavljević aka Vlada Budala, Siniša Petrić and Vladimir Mijanović, B92 has learnt.

Por cierto, los implicados llevaban 3 días sin comer ni beber porque no quieren que se les aplique... ¡el suero de la verdad!


Miroslav Lokar

Cita de: alejandro_ en 15 Febrero 2012, 13:58:13
Por cierto, los implicados llevaban 3 días sin comer ni beber porque no quieren que se les aplique... ¡el suero de la verdad!


Pobres de ellos... Deberian comprarlos con comida [respect]

Miroslav Lokar

President Tadić in two-day visit to Brussels

BELGRADE -- Serbian President Boris Tadić will be paying a visit to Brussels on Monday and Tuesday for meetings with EU officials, it has been reported in Belgrade.

CitarEU foreign ministers are to gather today within the External Relations Council in Brussels.

Since EU enlargement issues are not formally external issues, "the ministers will only state their opinion on Serbia and Kosovo, after hearing the report on the work of EULEX mission and the recently closed round of the Belgrade-Priština talks", Tanjug news agency is reporting.

It also said that "it was expected that, during his stay in Brussels, Tadić will confer with EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Catherine Ashton and President of the European Council Van Rompuy".

On Tuesday, February 28, the EU foreign ministers will meet as the General Affairs Council, when they will formally decide on granting Serbia the status of candidate for EU membeship.

Interior Minister Ivica Dačić and Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremić are also in Brussels Monday, as well as Minister of Agriculture Dušan Petrović, who will meet with European Commissioner for Internal Market and Services Michel Barnier.

Miroslav Lokar

"Agreement reached on EU candidate status"

BRUSSELS -- French Foreign Minister Allan Juppe has been reported as saying that EU foreign ministers today "reached an agreement to grant Serbia EU candidate status".

CitarJuppe was speaking in Brussels on Monday.

The agreement was reached on Monday, and today there were finally no objections, Juppe told reporters during a break at the meeting of EU foreign ministers, AFP reported.

The formal decision will be adopted on Tuesday and it needs to be confirmed during the EU summit which would be held on March 1 and 2.

"The conditions have been met and that will be encouragement for Belgrade to make progress in the process of EU integration, as well as for Kosovo, which also made progress," Juppe was quoted as saying.

"There must be patience, as some colleagues are saying, because the candidate status does not equal EU membership," the French official stated.

However, Tanjug news agency is quoting its unnamed sources in Brussels, who said that Germany and the Netherlands are still without a stand on Serbia's EU candidate bid.

Other diplomatic sources have confirmed that there was no full agreement among the ministers today on the issue, since some countries, like Holland, are waiting for Germany's clear stances.

Others, like Romania and Lithuania, are still against making Serbia a candidate - the former because of alleged discrimination of the Vlach minority, while the latter wishes to see its foreign minister become the next president of the UN General Assembly - a position for which a Serbian candidate is running as well.


Juppé afirma que hay acuerdo para que Serbia sea candidata a la UE

Tu nombre es desconocido,tu hazana, inmortal .
No podéis hacer una revolución con guantes de seda.Iósif Stalin.