Deberías leer el texto que puse arriba. El B1B se adapta a nuevos cambios post guerra fría, básicamente. Los B1-B son mucho mas efectivos como bombarderos tácticos que el vulnerable B52.
La US air force se adapta a la situación, necesitan al B-1B para lo mismo que lo usan ahora contra ISIS, ahora, al B52, no. Aquel puede quedar en EEUU como lo hacia el B-1B en 1991 durante desert storm. Si Dejase de haber mágicamente armas nucleares en el mundo, usarian al B52H tambien, aunque claro, la pregunta queda, no lo usan como bombardero estrategico nuclear, y? No deja de ser un bombardero estratégico.
Today, we suffer from a blurred distinction between the terms strategic and
nuclear. Although the concept of strategic nuclear deterrence has served us
well since its conception, it forced us to put our bombers in a container where
they are no longer flexible. By dedicating the bomber to the single integrated
operational plan (SIOP) nuclear mission we have, in Gen T. Ross Milton's
words, "to some extent, mortgaged the future of [the] bomber."6 His statement
suggests that the manned bomber has been laid impotent for anything but
nuclear warfare (and a minor conventional role) by policies which optimized
these aircraft for the nuclear mission.
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EntrarEl equilibrio nuclear actual es mas que suficiente con B52H y con B2A, pero eso no significa que el B-1B no sea un bombardero estratégico. Usar el F22 para bombardear a ISIS no lo hace un cazabombarero táctico como el F15E, es un caza de superioridad aerea.
''The United States no longer equips its B-1 bombers with nuclear weapons, and has no plans to do
so in the future. It has not, however, converted these bombers to non-nuclear heavy bombers
using the procedures outlined in START. As a result, they continued to count as one delivery
vehicle and one warhead under the counting rules in START. The United States does not,
however, want to count these bombers under the New START Treaty. As a result, in the First
Agreed Statement, the United States and Russia agreed, during the first year that the treaty is in
force, the United States will conduct a “one-time exhibition” to demonstrate to Russia that these
bombers are no longer equipped to carry nuclear weapons. The bombers that no longer carry
nuclear weapons will have a “distinguishing feature” that will be recorded in the treaty database
and will be evident on all B-1 bombers that are no longer equipped to carry nuclear weapons.
After all the B-1 bombers have been converted in this manner, they will no longer count against
the limits in the New START Treaty.''
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